James, Matthew and me plan to go together for the scavenger hunt, the first meet up date was 11/21 Thursday after school, Matthew thought it was 3:00 and missed the opportunity to meet Frank Biehl our East Side Union High School District board president.
Mr. Biehl was saying that after one of his meeting, he came out and tons of students gathered around him asking for pictures and his autograph. He feels he was a rock star or something XD. After he learned that it was a school project, he came to our school directly and that saved me a lot of time~ Thanks a lot Mr. Frank Biehl !
Mr. Frank Biehl was elected a Governing Board Member of the ESUHSD in 2006 and re-elected in 2010. He was selected to serve as President of the Board in 2011 and 2012. He also told us some about the ESUHSD school board, the buget the school boared has is 200 million USD a year, a total of 5 members and a four year term.