The dead line of the project is coming, so the three of us meet up again at 11/27 Wednesday afternoon also was the first day of the Thanks Giving break. ps. 放長假還做project 看我多愛社會課~ (迷之聲: 那時不做就沒時間做了不是)
The first place we went was the Superior Court House, and the thing I learned most is that our superior court house looked...... really not superior. Because there were a lot of one way roads at downtown San Jose, it took us tons of time circling around try to find it. James was saying that it looks so much like a hotel......
After the formation of Santa Clara County on April 25, 1851, a number of buildings served as courthouses. The eighth courthouse is the building known now as the Old Courthouse which was the one we went. This courthouse has served the public well for over a century. Today it serves as one of the numerous Superior Court of California facilities in Santa Clara County.